(iOS) UNO!™ códigos tokens infinitos


▶▶▶▶ UNO!™ ANDROID ◀◀◀◀


▶▶▶▶ UNO!™ IOS ◀◀◀◀



▞▞▞ códigos tokens infinitos ▞▞▞


▞▞▞ UNO!™ 2022 version ▞▞▞



El juego entretenido. A veces me aparece una publicidad que se tilda y tengo que salir del juego. Es muy agotador. Y me gustaría que se puedan bloquear jugadores o calificar mal por lo menos.

game wont load, stuck at start screen when opening the app. the new update is trash.

i'm rewriting this because i need to add more stuff. i like the playing uno without the cards and on the go, it's super fun. but the only downside is that your stuck with a crappy profile picture and every reply i get is 0% help. i connected my facebook cause it said my pfp would appear. but it didn't work. other then the stupid pfp problem, this game is recommended for uno players.

Le doi ⭐⭐⭐ porque juegas de 4000 y te quitan 7000 todo lo que te queda,pero está bueno el juego

🚫🚫🚫 NO DESCARGUEN ESTE JUEGO 🚫🚫🚫La app es una c@g@d@, para quitarte las pocas monedas que te regalan al iniciar sesión no te permite ganar, otros jugadores no cantan uno con la penúltima carta y aunque presiones el mazo para avisar y que de esa forma se cargan por faltar a la regla principal del juego igual no lo toman en cuenta, al menos, en mi caso, cunado voy ganando siempre se "cae" la conexión... Antes era divertido pero ahora con todas esas fallas no entiendo cómo aún se mantiene!

Es un juego entretenido apecar de algunas diferencias del UNO original, aquí el problema es que a mí parecer, los anuncios llegan a ser demasiado molestos, cada que termina una partida. Otro punto negativo, se que es por la aleatorización pero en este juego se me hace que no está muy bien manejada, he perdido muchas partidas por qué a mí rival le tocan puros comodines al robar y cartas eso es muy frecuente en partidas lo cual es algo perjudicial.

awesome game, love the challenges. no glitches yet

Está bueno el juego pero lo que más molesta y lo que hace peor al juego es que cuando ya vas ganando varias partidas, UNO! ya sabes que estás ganando y te hace la contra, te hace perder, por ejemplo al equipo contrario maravillosamente le tocan todos los +2,+4etc (una manera de decir pero en resumen les toca las mejores cartas) ya nosotros oa mí me tocan las peores cartas y ya que perdiste todo te insitan a comprar monedas, esto lo hace cualquier juego pero es molesto.

No es bueno el juego, pero me entretiene. No me gusta que cuando tengo muchas monedas son fáciles de perder en una sola jugada.

Es buen juego unico detalle no me deja conectar con facebook.

mi pasion es este juego, lo único que cambiaria es que si un jugador no tiene dinero suficiente para pagar la partida que ha perdido, uno debe de pagar a los jugadores, porque es injusto que si el jugador no tiene para pagar, el jugador ganador resulte perdiendo su premio, la casa debe pagar. de todo lo demas excelente.

Se nota mucho cómo manejaron la tirada de cartas para darte muchas monedas y después solo te dan cartas malas para que pierdas todo y pagues para jugar, se nota mucho que manejaron el juego es para entretener, pero mucha trampa

lo acabo de descargar & me ha gustado mucho, hay algunas cosas a las que les debo de entender, pero todo bien hasta ahora!

wonderful game and amazing for the children. it is an amazing game because it's most definitely self learning

Una mier....de juego !!!..te pude actualizar y despues no puedes entrar!! Lo desinstalé.. chao app..horrible...una estrella por lo q alcance a jugar...

honestly i love the game but there are just too many made up rules other than that if they fixed that five out of five but they made up rules makes it three

great game. stupid ads. any other game, watch an ad, get rewarded. uno, watch an ad just because they want you too. no reward for watching ads forced on you. 3 stars.

this isn't even uno, or at least it's one that i've never played before. the rounds are 3 minutes long, you only get one draw (if you dont have the same color or number) instead of the continuous draw, and in the go wild gamemode you can somehow stack a +4 on a +2. all the uno games i've played growing up has never been timed, have a single draw, or even the ability to stack +4s on +2s (even thought the original game didnt allow stacking, unless you played it that way)

UNO!™ Cartas tawt

Me encanta el juego, pero me dice que descargue la actualización y no me da la opción de hacerlo. Ya lo desinstale y un no me deja jugar porque falta ser actualizado, pero no me deja hacerlo tampoco

Me pide descargar actualización, selecciono esa opción y aquí en la página principal del juego no está para actualizar... No puedo jugar

the graphics are okay. but i find this game very frustrating for a couple of reasons. one is it glitches often, and the player will be penalized for that. i'm sitting there waiting for another player to throw a card, and the next thing i know i'm hit with a penalty because the game glitched and apparently they threw and i didn't move in a timely fashion. that has happened multiple times and more than once cost me a win. additionally, i'm not crazy about the game being timed.

Mala lo danaron con tanta publicidad, cada vez que termino un partido, me entra una publicidad

this game has so much potential to be fun, but like other reviews say, they just want you to spend money. they charge too many coins for everything. you have to pay to be matched with a partner, pay to play different formats, pay to win and pay to lose. i know that sounds weird, but if you play, you'll see what i mean. the worst thing is that when you win, you get like 50 coins, but when you lose, it's like -350. it's hard to follow sometimes, too, like the rules aren't super clear. uninstalled!

Ordia እንቅስቃሴ ያለባቸው pwzh

this game is to stressful a game is supposed to be fun you have to worry about losing coins which will cause you not to be able to play its way to competitive you start to get upset like you really lost money than the bots purposely sabotage the game when you team up i just want to play uno without all the pressure i'm removing this game its not fun.

not to bad of a card game. when playing 2vs2 mode. why is it that when time runs out and people still hold cards, the two people who have less points from cards lose the round? shouldnt it be whoever has least points with all still holding cards that they win the round? if so, well the game doesnt calculate it that way, it seems to calculate on who holds least amount of cards!

i love this game. it can be lagging at times. there is a lot to click on to get different prizes and things....and different places and rooms. sometimes it takes me 10 min. before i can play a game if i want to send friends coins, spin the wheel, etc.....

this isn't even uno, or at least it's one that i've never played before. the rounds are 3 minutes long, you only get one draw (if you dont have the same color or number) instead of the continuous draw, and in the go wild gamemode you can somehow stack a +4 on a +2. all the uno games i've played growing up has never been timed, have a single draw, or even the ability to stack +4s on +2s (even thought the original game didnt allow stacking, unless you played it that way)

i just want to play a basic uno game, no crazy made up rules, against an ai that doesn't waste my time, don't care about coins or achievements... and a game that doesn't need constant data the eats up the battery. why can't we just get that? why do developers have to always have to take something simple and make it overly complicated?

i love the game. all the choices are great. 2 vs 2(team) . ..go wild.. i was overwhelmed with all the choices at 1st but it grew on me. me and the kiddo spend time playing together amidst everyday. i really don't understand the negative reviews.

enjoyed the game at first. then the unending try this game for coins. i am a simple type person i like uno, candy crush. at least the advertising in candy crush is there own games. not everyone who is paying for advertising. ended up deleting uno just to many ads.

Siempre q hay actualizaciones siempre tengo q desinstalar e instalar de nuevo para jugar muy mal

UNO!™ Kağıt tbmf

El juego me gusta solo que aveces tienes que comprar cosas y eso es lo que no me gusta por eso le doy e estrellas

Porque este juego cambio tanto? Antes estaba mejor, incluso los personajes son otros, no se a que se debe el cambio tan radical

just like the original uno game :) but sometimes the timer is frustrating and there should be some way to increase it in a multiplayer game, as some players don't play when they are on number 1, and this makes you lose.

i always get an ad after every game. how does it make sense when i win and they have over 80 points the most i get is 200 coins but when i lose with less points i loose over 500 coins. how does that even make any sense.

the game is fun, but the coin system is so wonky. i wish it would give you coins depending on the moves you make, or anything other than what it is now. i'm so tired of winning 72 coins, then playing a game and losing 400 coins when i play the exact same. it makes me want to stay within the lowest bracket of game types since so i don't lose too much.

este juego es un pan de dios es muy divertido el juego uno™ que jugarlo en vida real es en línea pero tiene monedas y niveles para comprar fotos de perfil y subiendo niveles nos se que dise @el brañan pero le mando saludos brañan bueno asta qui llegó mi reseña cuídense

Te hacen competir contra bots y en un rato has perdido todas tus monedas. Todos siguen la misma estrategia, pero sus cartas son mejores y difícilmente se les puede ganar.

this game is both fun and annoying at the same time. i like uno, but hate the coin system. i also believe the game is rigged in some fashion. the cards are most likely not truly randomized and a winner is already preselected before the match even starts. scenario 1: i can go from 500 coins to 28,000 and then lose it all to 0 in less than 30 minutes? scenario 2: i get up past 2000 and then get knocked back down for over a week over and over and over. remove the coin system and make it random!

yea i agree the game is rigged whats the point of putting a price to play a game if its just gonna take 4x that if you lose a 4000 coin game it takes 18000 coins but other then the coin system its a good game

ended up uninstalling in the end. could never get an answer to why ads kept ending up in my personal picture gallery, just how to minimize the ads while playing. went to update to give it another go and honestly just didn't feel comfortable with the agreement saying even playing as a guest it would access my ip as well as so many other personal things. typically i don't mind but it took up way too much of my gallery the last time.

i love the game. all the choices are great. 2 vs 2(team) . ..go wild.. i was overwhelmed with all the choices at 1st but it grew on me. me and the kiddo spend time playing together amidst everyday. i really don't understand the negative reviews.

UNO!™ Karta efai

¡Se acabó el tiempo! ¡se acabó el tiempo! Nada más empezar la partida aparece time out, es un fastidió, quitaos ese estúpido contador de tiempo

A veces parece que el juego está en contra ti , solo por eso


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